The current world situation has sunk us into an environment of uncertainty that’s caught us off guard. We don’t quite know what to do or how to proceed, and compounding
Last Modified: 04/10/2023I'm immensely grateful for all the advances and discoveries that have allowed us to return to a more normal pace. As of April 3rd, 2023 The Washington State
I have access to two excellent gyms on Bainbridge Island, which I’d normally visit prior to starting my day at my practice. They’ve been closed for two weeks now, following
It’s been a week since I temporarily closed my practice, a heartbreaking decision since being there is one of the highlights of my day. How I love saying hello to
It is early January 2018. Though the shock from my beloved Dad’s unexpected passing three months before is dissipating, it still affects me as does the grief that was magnified