Now Accepting New Patients

Why Are So Many People Raving About Counterstrain?

I will soon give you the answer, but first, I think I know why you are here …

You Are Frustrated and Fed Up with Pain

You’ve been given many theories – They make sense but ultimately do not help you.
You’ve tried multiple approaches – Yet the results are short-lived, if at all.
You’ve done diligent research – But the rabbit holes create even more confusion.
What to do about the confusion in pain therapy?

I Completely Understand, I've Been There

I know how disheartening pain can be. I remember when it interfered with my personal life and my then profession as a Strength Coach. And while I sought expert help to figure it out, I found no concrete answers other than my pain was idiopathic—meaning of unknown cause. That’s what prompted me to search for my own answers.

Finding the solution became my obsession, more so when my loved ones and clients started dealing with the misery of idiopathic pain. This obsession gave me the inspiration to follow a different path and the fortitude to endure the enormous investments of time, money, and sanity that this new path required. It was a priceless and eye-opening experience because ...

I Encountered New Dimensions of Learning and Frustration

I had previously heard of Counterstrain but I didn’t think it worth my time. However, when results speak, one must pay attention, and the results obtained by our local Counterstrain therapist intrigued me. When he effortlessly resolved of one of my most disappointing failures, I knew Counterstrain would be the next step in my pain therapy career.

What I Learned in Counterstrain Reshaped my Practice

Coach Izzy Loves Counterstrain Mastery

I soon realized that what I thought were causes, were but symptoms of more powerful mechanisms. I learned that these powerful mechanisms are beyond our conscious control, thus, we cannot exercise them, stretch them, or pound them.

However …

They give us distinctive clues, and as long as we work with those clues, we can gently guide our bodies to their own healing. The more I learned, the more I was able to help to the point that my practice was considered top choice for complex cases.

And It Wasn't Just Me

I love how much the Counterstrain field has grown since I was introduced to it in 2011. Granted, there are still not enough practitioners but our numbers keep growing, and the more we grow, the more praises me and my colleagues hear from more patients. And these patients rave about Counterstrain for one reason:

Because it worked when they thought they had no hope!

But Enough Chit Chat

You are here because you’re curious about Counterstrain; alas, there isn’t much mainstream information about it. That makes you hesitate.

And I understand your hesitation.

Counterstrain is so defiantly far from mainstream that it seems like a crazy investment of your hopes and funds. Yet at the same time, the word of mouth about its effectiveness and gentleness has piqued your curiosity and you have a feeling that it may be what you’re looking for. Can it really help you, though?

You Bet!

That’s why I dedicate my life to Counterstrain mastery. It allows me to see pain as a normal protective response generated by our bodies when their physiological systems react to common physiological phenomena. It’s a vision that frees me from the limitations of conventional diagnoses and guides me to possibilities not considered in standard therapy.

This is what makes Counterstrain so powerful and sets it apart. I applaud your desire to learn more about it, but keep in mind that while learning about the interactive physiology of Counterstrain is of enormous value, it is also limited because …

Coach Izzy Always Studying

Counterstrain Must be Experienced to Be Understood

I can explain the complex Counterstrain mechanisms until I’m blue in the face, but it’s not until you receive it that all the pieces click into place. While I make sure to explain the Counterstrain process during your sessions, it’s the actual experience of receiving it what gives you the frame of reference to grasp its complex beauty.

You and I Are Partners in Healing

Coach Izzy - Your Partner in Healing

Professional experience and advances in the Counterstrain field keep confirming that for the majority of cases, one session barely scratches the surface, and if not followed up promptly, it can exacerbate certain conditions, hence, my refusal to see new patients for only one session. It’s only after the cumulative and sequential application of a few sessions that the body starts revealing its layers of dysfunction and starts experiencing relief.

This does not happen through my work alone, though. You have to do your part and address the factors interfering with long term results. I’ll continue doing my part and relentlessly continue my education and training so I can honor your trust and deliver even better therapy.

Book Your Session Now

My calendar is not always open to new patients. If it is, schedule your Initial Session and Screening now. If it’s not, return to this page on a regular basis. Though I’ll eventually reopen admissions, I don’t exactly know when.

I look forward to being your partner in healing

Author, Pain Therapist
Strength Coach, Speaker, and Educator

B.S. Exercise Science and Sports Studies
LMT MA 60192810
Mastery in Fascial Counterstrain through the Counterstrain Academy
Proficient in Jones Strain-Counterstrain through the Jones Institute
Neurosomatic Educators – Posturologist, Somatic Therapist
National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Body Work (NCBTMB) – NCTMB
International Cupping Therapy Association (ICTA) – Cupping therapist
Member of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
Nationals Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) – CSCS
Resistance Training Institute – RTS®
Kettlebell Concepts (KBC) – Master Instructor
United States Weightlifting Association (USAW) – Weightlifting Coach, Sports Performance
American Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists (AASDN) – Nutrition Specialist
Pre/Post Natal Fitness