Had you asked me in 1992 if I saw myself not being part of the technology field, I would've said, "No way!" Yet in 1994 I was back in school enrolled full-time, pursuing my degree in Exercise Science and Sports Studies. As much as I love technology, I realized it was not the career I had envisioned.
Had you asked me in 2006, when I was at the pinnacle of my Strength and Conditioning career, if I ever saw myself as a bodyworker, I would've scoffed and called you crazy. Why would I leave the full roster of loyal clients, the accolades, and the publicity? Yet in September 2010, I was graduating Massage Therapy school after a series of injuries made me realize the immense potential of manual therapy.
Had you asked me in 2016 if I ever saw myself teaching breathwork, I would've laughed. My Counterstrain skills were on the rise and I was helping folks whose cases had been deemed hopeless. In what twisted alternate universe would I even consider this breathwork hippie mumbo-jumbo as part of my practice? Yet on April 21st, 2023 I received my SOMA Breathwork Level 1 Instructor certification. My own experiences combining Counterstrain and SOMA Breathwork over the previous 3 years made realize how invaluable it was in the healing journey.
My choices have always been guided by my mission: to help you live and joyous and pain-free life. Following this guidance has never failed me, even when the odds seemed insane. Eventually, time validated my decisions and showed me the next component of my evolution.
No, I'm not leaving Counterstrain. Quite the opposite! I'm dedicating even more of my energy to mastering it. I love this amazing healing modality and its continuous evolution enriches my life and continues to amaze me. Nevertheless, experience has also taught me that its immense power can be nullified by the patient's individual perception.
Every complex pain case that I've served in my practice has involved a perceptual component. Whether chronic stress, PTSD, or depression, the systemic inflammation that ensues as a result of those factors triggers or perpetuates pain and dysfunction. Counterstrain will successfully drain the systemic inflammation and provide relief.
But when the patient's default-mode inevitable brings back those perceptual patterns ...
The inflammation, pain, and dysfunction return. I can't help but feel powerless when I witness frustrated patients trying to change their perceptual patterns only to fall short on their efforts. Granted, some significant cases will require professional help, but the grand majority, given the proper means, can do a lot for themselves.
Having experienced for myself what SOMA Breathwork did for my physiological and mental health, I realized that I had to explore it in depth and incorporate it in my practice.
It is my pleasure to be your guide and instructor in the mastery of SOMA Breathwork, an amazing healing modality that can enhance your healing and help you maximize the benefits from your Counterstrain sessions.
Best part?
You can do it on your own! Click the How to Breathe for Healing button below to access the breathwork page. I provide you with all the instructions and a free 22-minute session you can follow any time you need to bring your body and mind to homeostasis.
It is time to reclaim all that energy spent on stressful perceptual patterns and use it for your healing and enjoyment of life.
Until next time, I wish you a joyous, active, and pain-free life.