Sometimes words disappoint me.

Powerful and elaborate as they are, they can only communicate the mechanics of a life-changing experience but never the embodied feelings that ensue after.

And what a life-changing experience this past first week of May 2023 was. The Gross Anatomy and Cadaver Dissection event hosted by Kyle Kusunose and Eryn Milian was the best dissection course I've yet attended. I had never dissected an unembalmed body before, and all I can say is that it's a game changer. The level of mechanical and physiological interactions I was able to appreciate this past week is simply not possible in embalmed bodies. Further, this experience served as testament to the precision of Counterstrain therapy.

Besides the great location, there were two other factors that added to the experience.

First, it was my fellow therapists, all acquainted with Counterstrain at different levels. All as eager and excited to learn. I didn't feel like I was among colleagues. Instead, I felt like I was amongst family.

And then, there were the teachers, four in total. Two of them--Kyle and Eryn--at the helm guiding us, assisting us, and blowing our minds with their extensive knowledge. The other two, we'll never know their names. They were some of my best but silent teachers, their spotlight being the dissection tables. They had given us the gift of their bodies, inviting us to explore, be in awe, and learn.

I feel nothing but immense love and gratitude for these amazing individuals whose selfless gifts helped us expand our knowledge. I keep thinking of what Kyle Kusunose remarked as we wrapped up the last day. He mentioned that their gifts would only magnify through time, that thanks to the insights and knowledge we acquired this past week, we'd be able not only to help more people but also be able to help them with more precision and thoroughness. What a way to honor those precious gifts.

All I know is that I'll be integrating this incredible experience over the next few months, and that not only will it be invaluable as I prepare for my Counterstrain Certification test in August, but will also improve the efficiency of my treatment and breathwork sessions.

I invite you to experience the application of this knowledge by ...

Or if you've recently had a Counterstrain session and want to optimize the healing, or if you're not close to my physical location you may always ...

Thank you all for your love and support. I found this difficult to write not because I lacked words, but because trying to condense the myriad amazing feelings I'm experiencing into a few words was a significant task. I can't wait to see you in my practice.

Until next time, I wish you a joyous and pain-free life.