It’s nearly impossible to describe the unmistakable feeling of being part of something greater than us. Something so amazing that, deep inside, we know will change the world.
That’s how I feel about being part of the Counterstrain community. As this revolutionary therapeutic modality evolves, not only does it challenge what we had accepted about our bodies, but also what we had accepted about ourselves as therapists. Its development since my first official Counterstrain class in April of 2012 has been mind-blowing.
One of the aspects of this evolution that I admire the most is how the teachers and pioneers of Counterstain have not only advanced the field, but have also embraced technology to make sure that all therapists and Counterstrain students are updated with the latest without the need to take classes all over again.
For instance, March and April of 2019 saw updates for the musculoskeletal and superficial fascia systems, the lymphatic-venous system, and the nervous system. We learned about the power of treating coccygeal ligaments to address stubbornly tight hamstrings, bunions, and hammer toes. We also learned about the power of the additional treatments for epidural and spinal veins, and added the new layer of the anterior intercostal veins. Finally, not only did the treatment for the gray rami communicantes of the nervous system get revamped, but also the neuro anatomy got updated to incorporate the works of Stephen Porges and the Polyvagal Theory. If you’re not familiar with Porges, his revolutionary work has proved crucial in the understanding and treatment of PTSD, anxiety, and other autonomic nervous system issues.
Wow! Can I say wow again? Of course!
What an amazing time to be a Counterstrain therapist and to be part of this evolution that is changing lives and the world of manual therapy as we know it. It’s been humbling to witness it go from relative obscurity to gathering enormous momentum due to the unquestionable results it delivers.
My gratitude to the amazing minds involved in developing the field and ensuring that we—Counterstrain Therapists—stay updated with the latest advances in the field. It’s a true labor of love, and one we honor by honing our Counterstrain skills every day.
Until next time, I wish you a joyous, fit, and pain-free life.